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Non-seekable media

If you see the following error in the console:

The media [URL] does not seem to support seeking.
Remotion cannot properly handle it.
Please see for assistance.
The media [URL] does not seem to support seeking.
Remotion cannot properly handle it.
Please see for assistance.


It means you have provided a video or audio that cannot be seeked to an arbitrary time.
The cause for this is that when requesting the media file, either:

  • No Content-Range HTTP header has been sent by the server, making it impossible for the browser and therefore for Remotion to seek the media.
  • No Content-Length HTTP header has been sent by the server, also preventing seeking.
  • The file does not support Faststart


You can verify that this is the problem by opening the video or audio in a new tab and observe that you cannot seek the media.


Choose one of those solutions:

  • Serve the media from a webhost that supports the Range header and returns a Content-Length and Content-Range header.
  • Download the media and import it locally using an import or require() statement.
  • Use the <OffthreadVideo> component which will render the video fine. You may still see problems during playback in the preview or the <Player>